Monday, April 18, 2011

Strong Mind...Buff Bod!!

Hi friends!!! Well, 58 days down, 54 more to go!!! As crazy as it sounds, the past 8 weeks actually have seemed to go by fast!! I'm goin to be honest and say that I'm really excited but really scared for the next 8 because it's my first time and I hear it gets pretty intense!  This past week was kinda weird and I noticed a few things but for those of you who read this and have been through contest prep before, I'm sure you're like "yup...that's part of it!"  This past week I was telling my friends at the gym I don't know what it is, but sometimes I just feel like I'm not all there. (and yes...more than  normal, lol)  It's like sometimes I will go to talk and I'll stutter or it takes me a min to say what I'm really trying to say and I just feel like a total space case or that I can't think straight!  That and all I seem to wanna do is nap, but yet I never really sleep! Just kinda lay there and think! People that I've talked to about it say it's all part of the diet/training because your mind is fueled by carbs, and it's not that I'm not eating any carbs, I think it's just my body adjusting to it and the fact that I have never done anything like this before.  That and carbs were a HUGE part of my diet before, so some days it makes it frustrating but I still wouldn't trade my decision to do this for ANYTHING!!

 Everything is a learning experience and for every doubt you ever have, you need to remind yourself why you are doing the things you are doing...I always tell myself, "anyone can go out, drink, smash cookies/cake/sweets or have a giant hawaiian pizza, (can you tell what I miss?) but not everyone can do the things you are doing."  I remind myself that I'm doing this for ME!  Of course when you start doing something positive it brings out the haters, but everyone's opinion of what is "cool" or what is "attractive" is different!  Some people think that women with muscles look manly and gross, others think it's strong and sexy!  I've been called fat and too skinny in the same week!  If you spend your time worrying and listening to what everyone else thinks or trying to please everyone you will drive yourself CRAZY!

I'm gonna take a second to preach real quick, if there was one thing I could change about the women I know personally or have met at the gym, it'd be for them to stop bashing their bodies and what they look like so much and appreciate what they have goin for them now!  I'm not saying that I don't have the those moments that I vent to my girlfriends too, but that constant thinking and feeling negatively affects every area in your life as well like your attitude and the way you interact with others!  It's like the Debby Downer thing, people aren't going to wanna be around you cause your so gloom and doom! This is going to sound so cheesy but it has seriously worked for me, in order to make your life better and make changes you gotta change the way you think.  

Your body is NOT like everyone elses so first off, STOP comparing yourself to others cause we all know the grass is always greener on the other side.  Secondly, take a good look at yourself as you stand in front of the mirror and don't think about eliminating your flaws; ask yourself "what about me and my body is BANGIN?"  Personally my biggest challenge has always been my stomach (like most women) it's where we store a lot of our fat!  But I have a good solid collar bone, some looooong legs and I'm pretty damn funny....admit it! : ) And lastly, think about a time when you were really involved with something, you were happy, and just lovin were probably doin something you are really good at!  Whether it be something having to do with health and fitness or just listening to a friend and giving your advice!  Emphasizing your strengths and what you're good at helps you exude more confidence and builds your self esteem!  

And there you have it....God is love, Rev Maddy! LOL.  Seriously though, try it!  You might be shocked at how practicing these simple little things can make you feel so much more strong and powerful! <3

Friday, April 8, 2011

Making a Lifestyle Change!

HELLLLO Friends!! I have had so many thoughts this week but have been so busy with school, work, training, I'm happy I am finally getting to sit down to share with all of you! This week is DEFINITELY better then last and on Monday annnnnd I will be in the single digits for weeks to go till my competition! WOOP WOOP! : )

As a bootcamp/group fitness instructor, and a girl who's always at the gym even if I'm not teaching, I get asked a lot of questions about how to change this or that.  A lot of the same questions... "How can I lose my belly?" "How do I get better at running?" "How can I get rid of these thighs?" And trust me, I used to be that girl asking those saaaame questions looking for that magic pill or the easiest most quick way to get the flat stomach I've always wanted!  As if you guys don't know already, I'm here to tell you that pill does not exist, and even if you double/triple class it AND run on the treadmill after, it's not going to happen in a week because you didn't get to where you are today in a week!  I don't talk about it a lot but majority of you know I used to be about 50 lbs heavier than what I am now at one point.  Granted I am 6"1' so it's not as obvious but at one point I weighed in at 213lbs and was about a size 16.  Yup, that's right! About 5 years later I am now about 162lbs and depending on how much I can suck it in that day, I am around a size 6 or 8!  Awhile ago I would never put my weight out there, but I want people to know that I really DO know where you're coming from and just as hard as it is for you, it's not easy for me either!  There are no quick fixes, and it's so much more than just changing what you eat, it's a total LIFESTYLE CHANGE! 

My decision to make a lifestyle change and to compete has not only improved my health, it's taught me to be patient, disciplined, focused, to be responsible and accountable for myself and has totally improved my physical and mental strength in the gym and in my everyday life! You have to be patient in knowing that what you're trying to achieve isn't going to happen overnight.  So if you don't see the scale drop, or your pant size drop in a week, DON'T  I am almost 7 weeks in and I can finally see my body changing!  Seeing my progress pictures from week 16 to this week has totally motivated me on days when I just feel like, "Maddy, who are you kidding...what the hell are you tryin to do??" You have to be disciplined mentally and physically to push yourself, set little goals along the way and cross those baby's off! Focus on what you're doing, why you're doing it, and make sure you're doing it for YOU because you're the only one who can make the changes in your life you want to make.  Be responsible and say what you mean and do what you say.  If you said you are going to the gym that night, no matter what kind of crap your day brings, STICK to it and be accountable for yourself! And last but definitely not least, once you start believing in yourself and doing some of those things above, you will be so much stronger in so many other aspects of your life and I can promise you, you WILL see results! get discouraged!

Trust me, I've said it before and I'll keep saying it...if I can do THIS, the girl who had to have something sweet after every meal, who started out barely being able to do 3 pushups on my toes, and chocolate was a main food group for me around "that time of the month" all can do anything you set your mind to!  Nothing is a more awesome, satisfying feeling then seeing your body change and mold into what you have been working so hard for and crushing your insecurities by feeling SO strong and tough!!! Whenever you guys need that little boost of confidence or someone to tell you, YES, you CAN do this,  I hope you read this and become inspired and know you're not the only one out there who has struggled with one thing or another.  As my crazy/amazing/super duper friend Liza always tells me when I need a pep talk, "GET TOUGH" cause you can do soooooooooooooooooo much more than you think you can friends!

<3 Maddy